Tuesday 7 July 2015

Fairy tales

Fairy tales and happily ever afters don't exist

Well at least I'm entitled to think that way

I accept it, somethings were never meant to be

howbeit somethings are too "good"

to lose.

Holding on to emotions, waiting for the right moment

to let them out.

"What moment" rejection is a part of life

The voices in my heard would say.


Why did you wait? the voices would ask.

Did it have to be us, did it have to be me and you

who'll never c the light of love? 

They would continue to ponder throughout 

the long hours of the night

I don't understand why things had to happen the way they

did, but mere thinking does not chase away the hurt.

It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds loom over

The passion, the love, the dreams I had for you and I

All bottled up never expressed

suppressed by what  I'd like to call "fate"

Maybe that's what life has in-store for us all 

heartbreaks, disappointments, melancholy moments

sadness, discouragements, rejection or dejection.

But one thing is for sure life is fickle 

Happy moments will come by

What's important is to hold on to

each and every one of them and live every second like

its your last.

Tuesday 21 April 2015



Once upon a time they used to laugh with their hearts and laugh with their eyes
But now they only laugh with their teeth while their ice block cold hearts search behind my shadow

There was a time indeed they used to shake hands with their hearts but that has gone
Now they shake hands without hearts while their left hands search my pockets

"Feel at home" "come again" they say
And when I come and feel at home once, twice there will be no thrice for there I find doors shut on me

So I have learned many things kids,
I have learned 2 wear many faces like dresses home face,host face,cocktail face,
with all their conforming smiles like a fixed portrait

And I have learned too to laugh with only my teeth and to shake hands without my heart.

I have also learned to say good bye when I mean "good riddance" to say glad to meet you without being glad at all  and to say its been nice talking to you, after being bored.

But believe me kids I want to be what I used to be when I was your at your age. I want to unlearn all these muting things
Most of all I want to relearn how to laugh for my laugh in the mirror shows only my teeth like a snake's bare fangs.

Thursday 9 April 2015


You Gotta Have Faith

Life is too much without faith
All you need of it is the size of an orange seed 
Your mind's slipping wondering is there really a God

Knowing you shouldn't think that way you freeze your brain 

but when ever there' pain that feeling forever remains.
We can't believe what we can't see and reality seems stronger than prayer
Cause you tried to change your life now thing ain't going well
And you've lost a parent at a tender age of 13 and you feel no one cares

Searching for answers, that's human nature, you ain't in the wrong
Just know when you feeling that way there are spirits in the room 
I watched people I know pray and catch the holy ghost and wonder 
why I ain't caught that feeling before
Maybe they know him better or I don't know no better
but what I know is that he is real 
and lives among us
I hope you studied cause he's testing your faith 
To forever have a piece of it, is ideal 
In having a wonderful life

Friday 27 March 2015


I long for u

Queen bee I've longed for u since the age of time
It seems like everywhere you go
that's where the sun shines
guess I'm so obsessed about you
sweet thing just give me a chance I'll treat you fine

"Guess its true an older poacher can make 
the best game keeper"


For Pete's sake, cut the crap I wanna make
you mine
I want to give you the whole world 

Ignoring me won't wont change what I feel
for you.
I want your body thats been driving me crazy 
if I could just hold you in my arms I'd be
be as happy as Larry sand boy 
Hear me one more time Queen bee I long for you
since the time I set my eyes on you.

It seems like everywhere you go
that's where the sun shines
I wanna penetrate your mind
with some strong rhyme
And entertain your thoughts
with the right line

Baby cut the crap, I wanna make
you mine
And I know you want that too.